Role of Generative AI in Up-scaling Businesses


Today’s competitive business environment demands innovative solutions to stay on top and be competitive. One of the best recognised technology is Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), which holds an immense amount of potential to revolutionise business growth.  By harnessing the power of Generative AI tools such as AI Chat Bots to generate AI business ideas and automation towards growing the business as a whole. This blog post shall focus on the role of AI in up-scaling businesses in different ways that could drive growth and success.

Enhanced Efficiency and Automation :

Generative AI allows businesses to generate AI Chatbot and AI Business ideas, that could help the businesses to automate and grow as a whole.  By being able to inspect and analyse a large amount of data, AI algorithms can identify patterns, create insights, and make data-driven decisions at a faster rate than humans. This will not only reduce human labour but also reduce the risk of human error to minimum. By automating the repetitive operations and optimising the supply chain, Generative AI can motivate the business to grow with greater ‘precision’ and ‘accuracy’, followed by ‘reduced cost’ and ‘improved efficiency’.

Innovation and Product Development :

It needs to be understood that Generative AI can open various exciting opportunities for innovation and product development. By being able to leverage the AI algorithms and deep learning techniques, companies can generate creative ideas, designs, and approaches that might have been overlooked. Generative AI is also able to create a personalized customer experience like, generating recommendations, and compelling emails that can engage customers. AI can also help in prototyping and iterative design processes, that allow businesses to iterate and refine ideas as a whole. The businesses shall now be able to push their boundaries of creativity and bring about creative solutions to achieve competitive edge and increased customer satisfaction.

Customer Engagement and Personalization :

Another crucial aspect of Generative AI is to revolutionise business interaction with the customers and enable a highly personalized experience. The AI algorithms can analyse the customer data, behaviour patterns, and preferences to create a tailored experience and recommendations to allow individual communication. This kind of customization creates loyalty, increases engagement, and improves the overall conversion rates. Generative AI is also able to power Open AI chatbots, and AI business ideas, which in return will improve customer satisfaction and business’s ability to adapt to individual needs, and create long term relationships as a whole.

Data Analysis and Decision-Making :

In this current business world, taking informed decisions based on accurate and timely insights has become crucial. Generative AI is also able to identify trends, datasets, and extract valuable insights that could guide an overall strategic decision-making. AI can uncover any hidden pattern and correlations which might be overlooked by humans. These insights can enable businesses to make data-driven decisions and identify opportunities, and optimize resource allocation. By leveraging the Generative AI as a powerful analytical tool, businesses can gain a competitive edge by capitalising on vast amount of data and taking ‘precise’ and ‘informed’ decisions that could drive growth and profitability.


Generative AI is one of the most important factors that motivates the transformation of the business landscape by providing new stages of growth, efficiency, and innovation. It contributes to productivity, automation, personalized customer experience, and allowing data-driven decision-making as a whole. Generative AI can be considered as the root for enabling Artificial Intelligence in business, AI chat bots, AI business ideas, AI technology, Open AI chat bots, and other AI tools as a whole.

A Pragmatic Approach for Digital Transformation Success

What is Pragmatic Approach to Digital Transformation

Pragmatic approach towards digital transformation refers to applying a realistic and practical strategy towards achieving digital transformation efficiently. It involves considering the organization’s practical goals, available resources, and structure to reach digital transformation within the organization.

Some of the Essential aspects of a Pragmatic Approach to Digital Transformation :

  • Clarity and alignment of goals: There needs to be clarity of objectives and goals for digital transformation that is aligned with the business strategy. It involves identifying different areas of business for improvement, such as, customer experience, operational efficiency, and innovation and aligning it with digital transformation goals.
  • Assessing the current capabilities: It is crucial to assess the organization’s current digital capabilities about infrastructure, systems, and knowledge of the employees. In addition, you need to analyse the strengths and weaknesses to understand the areas of improvement to understand the investment for digital transformation.
  • Consistent approach: Adopt a consistent incremental approach to digital transformation rather than attempting a sudden change. The transformational journey needs to be broken down into multiple manageable projects and phases to facilitate a smooth transition and minimum disruption. This approach creates more room for testing, learning, and making necessary adjustments needed for digital transformation.
  • Agile Project Management: Agile approaches such as iterative development, collaboration and continuous improvement help in quickly adapting to the changing circumstances and also ensuring flexibility of digital transformation.
  • Communication and involvement: It is crucial to involve employees, customers, and other stakeholders in the digital transformation process. Encourage open communication, and draft a clear digital transformation framework to address the concerns and resistance. This creates a sense of ownership and increases the overall chances of successful digital transformation.
  • Digital skill Development: Make investments in developing digital capabilities and giving out necessary training to the employees. It is essential to build a workforce that can use efficiently and leverage digital transformation. Therefore, recognize the skill gaps among the employees and provide opportunities for upskilling.
  • Change management: it is important to understand that digital transformation or technology modernization involves a cultural shift within the organization. change management strategies can overcome resistance, barriers, and cultivate a digital mindset within the organization.
  • Continuous evaluation and adaptation: There needs to be regular monitoring and evaluation of the progress within the predefined metrics and performance indicators. Gather necessary feedback and make adjustments to facilitate smooth transition towards digital transformation.
  • Learning from failure: It is essential to learn more from experimentation and risk-taking. Remember that not all initiatives will succeed, but however the failure shall provide more insights and opportunities of improvement.


By using this pragmatic approach, organisations may successfully manage the challenges of digital transformation by adopting this practical strategy. It enables them to manage change efficiently, take use of their current skills, and choose which activities to prioritise. Organisations can achieve desired results, stimulate innovation, improve customer experience, and increase operational efficiency by putting a strong emphasis on realism and attainable goals.

How Digital Transformation Breaks Down Organizational Barriers


Most organizations have various departments that work in isolation to their own goals and objectives. These isolated departments can also be referred to as the “Silos”. Silos bring about inefficient collaboration, innovation, and communication to take place within the organization due to poor flow of ideas between the teams.

But however, Digital Transformation helps us to benefit from technological tools and advancements to streamline production, processes, and allow smooth operation over the entire organization. The companies can break down these silos and facilitate cross-functional cooperation and efficient delegation through the application of digital transformational initiatives.

Some of the ways how Digital Transformation breaks down organizational barriers are:

  • Efficient Data Management : Data management is not an easy task and it requires a lot of time and knowledge to perform the task effectively. It is crucial to have the data managed effectively as it can give you a competitive edge in the current business environment. Thus, using data analytics and data management tools and cloud services is no longer an option, but a necessity. Handling large employee data and manipulating them has become so much easier and more convenient for any organization due to these data management services and tools. Digital transformation has helped in securing this data effectively and also made it easier for the retrieval of the same.
  • Cyber Security : Cyber Security is the critical aspect of technology transformation as it helps in protecting the digital assets, intellectual property, and the entire customer data of the organization. The increasing digitization and technological updates has also managed to strengthen the overall cyber security of the organizations. There is an increased amount of privacy and data protection software and services which has led towards improved data handling practices and cybersecurity to safeguard the personal information of the customers and the company.
  • Better Approach to Evolving Customer Needs : Increasing customer needs are an opportunity for business but identifying them could be challenging. Data analytics tools help organizations to identify these business opportunities and be more customer-centric. The organizations are now able to extract data on ‘consumer needs’ through various data analytics tools. It has helped multiple organizations and companies to predict the demand and the evolving needs of the customers and also meet those demands efficiently. In addition, using AI technologies and automation has increased the overall customer experience. Hence, digital transformation has been able to bring about a sense of better approach towards evolving customer needs.
  • Communication & Collaboration : The digital landscape has been able to promote easy collaboration and information sharing among different areas of a business. There is a free flow of information taking place and among different departments and it just makes the entire process of networking and problem solving easier. There are multiple tools that help in integrating critical digital transformation aspects like management of content, chat flow and data analysis all within a single software that can improve productivity, results and communication.
  • Lower Cost of Operation : The digital transformation will often lead towards low cost for the organization by enabling a manual process, streamlining the operations, and reducing the overall paperwork. Cloud computing is a great example of instance that can offer cost savings to any organizations with a reduced infrastructure and better scalability. By being able to leverage digital technologies, organizations can achieve greater cost efficiency and at the same time assign resources strategically.


To sum up, digital transformation removes critical obstacles within an organization by fostering effective data management, strengthening cybersecurity, enhancing customer-centric strategies, enabling improved communication and cooperation, and enabling a lower cost of operation as a whole.

The next phase of Digital Transformation of India

In today’s digital economy, every business is undergoing or planning a Digital Transformation.

$1.8 trillion is the estimated size of the digital economy and it will likely reach $2.5+ trillion in the next 3 years

Digital transformation isn’t a new business imperative. India’s digital transformation market is on its way to hitting the $710.0-billion mark by 2024. This amounts to a CAGR of 74%.

The pace of digital transformation in India is unprecedented. Rohit Kalro, Head Of Digital Transformation and Strategy Advisory for Thoughtworks in India, when speaking at the 15th edition of the Digital Transformation Summit India 2022, commented on technology’s radical impact on India’s economy. He discussed the following:

  • India embracing Industry 4.0
  • Strategies adopted towards digitization and automation
  • Staying competitive and relevant in today’s evolving world through digitization
  • Revenue stream innovation with digital transformation
  • Leveraging digital ecosystem to boost growth

The CEO of Niti Aayog, Amitabh Kant stated how leveraging Digital India for digital transformation will drive the country’s manufacturing sector, heavily influenced by tech like AI, cloud computing, IoT, blockchains and robotics. By 2025, he said, the digital economy will generate $1 trillion in economic value, up from the current $200 billion.

The most important market growth drivers that will enable such a scenario are adoption of Industry 4.0, use of advanced technologies (cloud, IoT, big data and analytics, mobility and social media), investment in automation (ensures efficiency), nurturing sustainability of digital investments and driving composability.

However, building a digital ecosystem in a developing country does pose significant challenges – navigating government policies, addressing talent skill gaps, working with still evolving cultural mindsets, budget constraints and working with the lack of a change management strategy that addresses the continuous evolution of customer needs.

Additionally, as market shifts induce business disruption, organizations will have to gear up for change, to birth new business capabilities, to stay competitive and generate value.

Today, organizations are at an inflection point; racing towards a future very different from the one they were designed to operate in. Organizations are grappling with unrelenting performance pressures, customer experiences that differentiate and delight, employees who want seamless experiences alongside being able to effectively use technology (optimize cost of service, provide hyper-personalized promotions, etc.).

The digital world is constantly being disrupted

To succeed in this reality, organizations need a digital operating model. They need agility across their organization and they need to be aware of their top execution roadblocks. They need to be armed with a change strategy to navigate the new path. In summary, organizations need to be Tech@Core

Tech@Core organizations utilize technology and data to consistently redefine value and build new core competencies and capabilities. This is the only way for incumbent firms to avoid stagnation.

Obviously, finding the right partner(s) is incredibly critical for success and this is where Thoughtworks shines.

Thoughtworks is a global technology consultancy that enables and empowers organizations to evolve and thrive as modern digital businesses while delivering transformation at scale.

We do it by putting organizational evolution at the forefront. This approach involves aligning around customer outcomes and enabling people. It also requires developing a pragmatic execution plan and streamlining processes. And it calls for focusing investments and quickly delivering value.

We will help you build an evolutionary Tech@Core organization that can face ongoing market disruptions head-on, seize new opportunities as they emerge and capitalize on technology to accelerate growth.

Getting To Intelligent Data Management

Resilient structures and Intelligent data management are key to remaining successful in these uncertain times of rising energy costs, raw material shortages, hard-to-calculate production capacity situations, fragile supply chains, the Ukraine war and the enormous shortage of skilled workers.

Intelligent data management includes a central data strategy, digitized processes, future-proof IT platforms, intelligent analysis tools (BI), and appropriate KPIs.

While badly needed digital individual projects were implemented during the Corona pandemic, many companies still lack an end-to-end digital business model. Intelligent data management that forms the basis for data-driven decisions is lacking. In addition, companies would be prudent, especially now, to continue driving digital transformation throughout their operations, automate processes and introduce missing tools.

We are heading towards a data-driven future with gigantic data volumes. According to IDC, the amount of real-time data will grow to about 30% by 2025, and more than half is currently not used further. Why? The reasons are complex: multiple data silos and autarkic applications, legacy systems, and manual processes at headquarters and branch offices. Addressing these issues is key to a proper data strategy.

Legacy Silos

Many legacy systems have been running for many years, such as ERP, MES, PLC, MED, QM, MM, PLM, SCM and CRM. They have grown over time without being aligned and synchronized. Deployed independently in individual business units or departments, they act largely independently of each other, pursue different goals, and form the basis of the well-known data silos.

More data silos due to individual digital projects

The projects prompted by Corona increased the level of digitization in numerous companies. Often, however, these were localized digitalization activities, where only certain core processes in a business unit were automated and digitalized. Due to the lack of an overall digital strategy, the flow of newly acquired data was frequently not thought out, and integrations were absent, unstructured or incomplete. This resulted in additional silos from business data in enterprise resource planning and customer information systems, to data from connected machines, devices and sensors from the production floor.

Legacy systems, new applications, and beyond the organization

Current digitalization involves the use of disruptive technologies and concepts. But, while increasing digitalization is essential, revolutions are normally not the optimal approach. Integrating legacy systems and new applications and improving business processes provides an assured path to full digitalization – with incremental improvements forming the basis of the strategy.

The goal must be to breakdown data silos and make data from all sources accessible, structured and evaluated. Implementation of this goal can be extended by connecting to suppliers and sales partners enabling a complete data flow and additional data transparency.

Big Data Value

Today, it is more important than ever for operations and manufacturing management to make fundamental decisions based on broad and reliable data and analysis. It’s not enough to collect and process data from a single business unit such as IoT machines and production equipment. It is necessary to draw on additional data from existing business applications in all business areas, such as warehouses and purchasing. 

Central digitization and integration platform

Many digitalization solutions are focused on capturing data from a subset of the company’s IT systems – operations, production systems, logistics or financial systems. However, truly meaningful digital migration connects all aspects of the business. This is made possible with modern Industry 4.0 solutions. They enable companies to collect, process and analyze all data quickly and completely. No matter where they are located within the organization or the supply chain.

Data hub and BI as a basis

Some of these Industry 4.0 solutions already include a data lake and analysis tools (BI). They form a sound basis for intelligent data management across application and organizational boundaries. Information such as customer master data can be linked with market and competitive data. Machine and production floor data can be linked to quality and after-sales service data and retrieved in real time.

Sound data evaluations, such as financial reports, can be presented clearly in visual dashboards and accessed at any time, and from any location. Decision makers can analyze relevant and clearly defined KPIs and improve OEE.

In addition, essential workflows are optimized and automated. Expenditure and time spent on tasks can be reduced and more effective inventory management and forward planning can be achieved, and machine repairs are simplified.

Key points to bear in mind about intelligent data management:

  • Future-oriented data management includes a suitable organizational structure, tailored operating models for Big Data and Data Analytics, and Industry 4.0 solutions.
  • An efficient data strategy is in place when business-relevant data from all sources can be collected, processed, analyzed easily, and shared efficiently in one platform.
  • Flexible digitalization and integration platforms support data-driven decision-making. 
  • With access to accurate real-time data and insights across the supply chain, managers can make the right decisions in a timely manner.

About FactoryEye

FactoryEye is an advanced Industry 4.0 manufacturing & cross-organizational intelligence platform for full visibility and actionable data insights. FactoryEye enables manufacturing personnel at all levels to make data-based decisions and the manufacturing organization as a whole to achieve business excellence. Contact us to see how we can help you drive operational and business excellence.

About Magic Software Enterprise:

Magic Software Enterprises (NASDAQ: MGIC) empowers customers and partners around the globe with smarter technology that provides a multi-channel user experience of enterprise logic and data. We draw on 30 years of experience, millions of installations worldwide, and strategic alliances with global IT leaders, including IBM, Microsoft, Oracle,, and SAP, to enable our customers to seamlessly adopt new technologies and maximize business opportunities. For more information about our company, technology, products, and services.

Key Factors Driving Digital Transformation in The Philippines

Digital transformation is rapidly changing the way businesses and organizations operate in the Philippines. With the increasing adoption of digital technologies, companies are finding new and innovative ways to improve their operations, engage with customers, and drive growth.

One of the key drivers of digital transformation in the Philippines is the rapid growth of the country’s digital economy. The Philippines has one of the highest rates of internet and mobile penetration in Southeast Asia, and this has created new opportunities for businesses to connect with customers and expand their operations. The government has also been supportive of the development of the digital economy, with initiatives such as the creation of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to promote the growth of the digital sector.

Another factor driving digital transformation in the Philippines is the increasing availability of digital skills and talent. The country has a large and growing pool of digital talent, with many young professionals who are skilled in areas such as software development, data analytics, and digital marketing. This talent is helping to drive the growth of the digital economy and is enabling companies to take advantage of the opportunities presented by digital transformation.

The benefits of digital transformation are being felt across the Philippine economy. Companies in sectors such as financial services, retail, and healthcare are using digital technologies to improve their operations and deliver better customer experiences. For example, banks are using mobile and online platforms to provide customers with faster and more convenient access to financial services, while retailers are using data analytics to improve their inventory management and supply chain operations.

Overall, the Philippines is well-positioned to capitalize on the opportunities presented by digital transformation. With its strong digital economy, skilled workforce, and supportive government policies, the country is poised to continue driving innovation and growth in the digital era.

Digital Transformation Summit: Philippines 2023 –

How AI & Big Data Are Transforming Healthcare In The Middle East

The Middle East is one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. With a population of more than 350 million, it has been identified as an emerging market with high potential. The region is also experiencing rapid economic growth and rising living standards. It’s no surprise that this region is expected to be home to some of the world’s most advanced healthcare systems in the near future.

The way healthcare is delivered in the Middle East will change dramatically over the next few decades, largely due to advancements in data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI).

AI and big data analytics empower healthcare providers in the Middle East to make faster, more cost-effective diagnoses. However, s Security worries concerning data privacy are growing in tandem with the increased usage of AI and big data.

This article examines how big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) are altering healthcare in this region and the implications for patients and healthcare professionals.

Making a Decision

Improving treatment necessitates the integration of big health data with fast and appropriate decisions. Clinical decision-making and actions can be aided by predictive analytics.

Pattern recognition is another area where AI is gaining traction in healthcare to determine who is at risk for developing a condition or whose condition may worsen due to lifestyle, environmental, genetic, or other factors.


With artificial intelligence, clinicians can take a more holistic approach to disease management, better coordinate care plans, and help patients better manage and adhere to long-term treatment programmes. They can also scan health records to identify people with chronic illnesses at risk.


In a manner that simple computer-driven algorithms cannot, AI allows those in training to go through naturalistic simulations. Because of the emergence of natural speech and the ability of an AI machine to draw instantaneously from an extensive database of scenarios, a trainee’s answer to questions, decisions, or suggestions can be challenging in ways that a human cannot. Furthermore, the training programme can learn from the trainee’s initial responses, allowing the challenges to be regularly changed to fit their learning needs.


AI has the potential to alter our perceptions of genetics and push the boundaries of genomics study. According to new research, an artificial neural network can recognise and detect patterns in enormous volumes of genetic data, showing groupings and sequences of genes linked to specific diseases.

The complexity of genetic data has made progress in genomics difficult. Practitioners currently expect breakthroughs in genomic research thanks to AI’s ability to categorise and analyse a large amount of data quickly.


Even though life expectancy is higher than ever, there is a severe shortage of healthcare workers to meet the demand. There is also apprehension regarding expense management and control. Healthcare professionals should seek new technology in order to reduce costs and support human carers. Healthcare workers must take advantage of AI and Big Data technology to be ready for challenges.

Digital transformation – A key catalyst in driving innovation & business efficiency in Africa

The digital transformation revolution is sweeping the African continent, with many firms adopting cutting-edge digital technology in the hopes of scaling new heights. On the other hand, these businesses confront the problem of overcoming the adoption hurdles to digital technologies.

One of the bright spots for Africa’s progress in the last fifteen years has been the growth of digital technology, which has been fuelled mainly by the mobile revolution and related advancements. The financial industry is likewise witnessing significant changes. Payments, loans, insurance, and wealth management are all being reshaped by digital technologies, a process that the COVID-19 pandemic has expedited.

The state of digital transformation in Africa’s banking industry

For African banks, digital banking transformation is no longer a preferable choice; it has become a necessity if they are to survive. There are far too many non-banking sector players in the market who fully utilize the technology available to continue doing business as usual.

Most companies have acknowledged the revolution and are adjusting how customers access their services, while others automate their back-office activities. Such reforms should save expenses and increase the number of people who have access to banking services, which will benefit everyone.

All African financial institutions clearly recognize the relevance of digital banking in their expansion plan. They confront increased disruption from emerging technologies and are under pressure to adapt and innovate to meet the changing demands of modern consumers. Despite the fact that many financial institutions have made considerable investments in providing a superior digital experience, the digital banking environment remains untapped. They need to reimagine the idea of “digital banking” now more than ever, with the use of data, analytics, technology, innovation, and human resources to revolutionize the customer experience.

Africa’s need for digital transformation

According to international experts McKinsey, the number of Africans having bank accounts would rise from over 300 million in 2017 to 450 million by 2022, with revenues jumping from $86 million to $129 million during that time.

The growing adoption of digital services is anticipated to be the driving force behind this. Most African banks now provide their customers with online banking and mobile banking apps that allow them to check their balances, transfer money, and pay bills. Mobile wallets and digital financing are also growing increasingly popular.

In order to meet customer demand and scale their business, the banking sector must discover strategies to drive digital transformation in their companies. The African banking sector will gain from digital transformation because it creates more job opportunities, improves firm performance, and ultimately boosts the organization’s bottom line.


Africa’s banks must put digital transformation at the center of their operations. Many companies have already begun to do so. Banks must embrace a digital-first mindset to stay relevant, service their customers, and reach underserved and unbanked distant African communities. Only 12% of African banks consider themselves to be digital-first banks at the moment, but another 48% say they are on their way to becoming one.

In the long run, those banks who do not do so will face competition from their more pro-digital competitors and other fintech providers and digital-first banks. Hence developing a clear and effective digital transformation strategy is the key catalyst in driving innovation & business efficiency in Africa.

Learn more at Digital Transformation Summit

Event Organized by Exito Media Concepts

Five Sectors Driving Saudi Arabia’s Digital Transformation Journey

Many experts have claimed that Saudi Arabia is fast on its way to becoming a major digital economy. With its unprecedented impact on the economy and healthcare system, even the pandemic couldn’t deter Saudi’s technological triumph. The now digitized government services are easily at par with international standards. One reason is that COVID-19 encouraged digital economy policy and helped advance the numerous digital transitions, especially in government services. This article will find out more about the five areas that helped propel the engine of its digital growth.


When we talk about the pandemic, there is no way we can ignore the healthcare sector, which saw massive shifts in its systems. To maintain safety measures, healthcare practitioners opted for remote care of their patients instead of on-site appointments. Technology came to their rescue and made the transition smoother. Many apps with complex designs book patient appointments and let people know if they had been in close contact with an infected person. Modern technology with its multiple functionalities characterized Saudi Arabia’s digital transformation.


As soon as the pandemic hit, all places where people could potentially gather shut down. Schools, colleges, and universities were no exception to this. With no in-person classes, the lectures and coursework were shifted to online mode for months on end. Because of this, students, teachers and even parents adopted online classrooms. Now that they are more used to the new normal, online teaching might become a huge thing in the future of academia further fuelling Saudi Arabia’s Digital Transformation.


Digital innovations have radically helped the corporate sector tackle business-related disruptions and build strategies that increase productivity and enhance return on investment. For example, many reputed companies implemented SAP software to help with remote work while keeping continuous HR processes, improved customer service and supply chain stability intact. Many remote work applications also help in recording customer, vendor, and supplier feedback. Corporate cybersecurity is another area of interest, and the plan is to build robust and secure systems.


Saudi Arabia’s digital transformation journey has received a huge fillip from authorities to create effective digital interactions between the citizens, the government, and businesses. Their focus is centred on improving the efficiency, transparency, and cost-effectiveness of government operations. The relevant authority will also prepare a national e-government game-plan and help organize the general government work using platforms and digital networks. The main idea is to build a digital government with cutting-edge processes, seamless regulations, policies, and strategies.

Analog Sectors

Industries that have stuck to analogue processes for a long time have taken to the change as well. These sectors include the justice system that recently appointed numerous paperless and electronic courts. This approach not only makes them more accessible but also reduces paper use by a significant amount. The housing sector too utilized the world of tech by launching online services that facilitated aspiring homeowners to find good housing and finance options.

To explore and understand the world of digital enterprises with the rise of digital transformation in Saudi Arabia, the 4th edition of  Digital Transformation Summit- Saudi Arabia will focus on digitization with effective transformation through business case studies, pertinent challenges, and tailor-made solutions for your business requirements.

 The event will provide a detailed overview of existing and predicted trends across the Middle East bringing together 250+ Digital Transformation Leaders with keynote presentations, panel discussions and live Q&A sessions backed by an enhanced virtual networking experience.

Learn more about the event: DTS Saudi Arabia  

Event by Exito Media Concepts